
Trail Tracking

Spectators walk alone through a deserted train station. The visitor enters into a discussion with a performer on their mobile phone. They talk about the various routes the visitor has taken in their life. At the end of the performance, it appears the performer has incorporated the information in the story being told. Seemingly insignificant stories unexpectedly get an important place in the performance. The visitor finally leaves the station on a rolling bed.

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By using a mobile phone, the performance questions the difference between the physical and mental spaces we find ourselves in: while our body advances in space A, our thoughts are often in space B. At key moments in the performance, the two spaces come together. A sort of ‘transfer’ room, which a station usually is, changes into a place for standing still and reflecting, where time appears to be frozen.

The performance of Trail tracking in France took place in a deserted harbour under the title Mobile/Immobile. In Maastricht, with students from the theatre school, Verhoeven made a version in the old Sphinx factory.


Trail tracking (2005)


"A benevolent experience, theatre that really is about the visitors themselves."

'Weldadige treinreis door droomwereld' ('A benevolent train journey through a dream world'), Wilfred Takken in NRC Handelsblad (24-05-2005)read the review (in Dutch)

"All-in all an original, lovingly developed concept providing a powerful experience."

'Lady Macbeth als een furie met de nodige zelfs' ('Lady Macbeth as a fury with the necessary selves'), Karin Veraart in De Volkskrant (27-05-2005)read the review (in Dutch)


creative process

Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink spoke with Verhoeven about the creation of Trail tracking and published ‘Performing stories. About the creative process for Trail tracking. An interview with Dries Verhoeven’.

read the interview (in Dutch)


concept Dries Verhoeven

photography Dries Verhoeven

actors Ronald Armbrust, Marcus Azzini, Jette van den Berg, Femke Bouma, Marije op ‘t Eijnde, Tâmara Gouw, Nanda Kling, Tim Murck, Salém Riani, Stefan Rokebrand, Esther van Rooijen, Anna Schoen, Daniëlle van de Ven, Dries Verhoeven, Menno Vinke and Joeri Vos