
New Work: Broeders verheft u ter vrijheid

With a healthy dose of optimism Studio Dries Verhoeven is excited to announce the presentation of a new work in the spring of 2021! Broeders verheft u ter vrijheid portrays man as a stowaway in a global distribution center. In collaboration with Bulgarian performers who have experience as migrant workers, Dries Verhoeven creates a visual requiem for human labour. The theatre stages will serve as a workplace and the performers live and sleep in the West Den Haag art institution, where there is also a small exhibition around the work. The ‘living installation’ will be on view on the stages of the participating theatres every day for eight hours. Broeders verheft u ter vrijheid will premiere at the end of April 2021 at ITA in Amsterdam. At the same time, the presentation in West Den Haag will open for two months.

A visual requiem for human labor
Broeders verheft u ter vrijheid
asks questions about the future of work and resistance. What is our working body for today? Human jobs are taken over by robots and at Tech giants, algorithms continually search for the greatest possible profit margin. Can we actually reverse that or will we soon be rendered useless? Will there be a revival of the labour movement? Or is it better to accept the inevitable automation?

Broeders verheft u ter vrijheid is a co-production of Studio Dries Verhoeven with SPRING Performing Arts Festival and West Den Haag. In addition, there is a close cooperation with the presenting theatres: Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, ITA in Amsterdam, Het Nationale Theater in The Hague, Theater Rotterdam, Chassé Theater in Breda and Schouwburg Hengelo/Concordia Enschede.